Cruising the Caribbean – St. Maarten/St. Martin

Port of call #1 – St. Maarten/St. Martin

This dual Dutch/French island has always intrigued me from afar…why, I am not entirely sure. Is it because the linguistic history of the two colonizing nations are so different? Is it because I admire the fact that the island has the same name on both sides of the “border”? I cannot say. Continue reading

Cruising the Caribbean! Take 1

I was remiss in not preparing my post immediately following my recent trip with my husband.

We thoroughly enjoyed a 7-day cruise of the southern Caribbean – sans enfants! It is only the second time we have done this (travelled for this length of time while leaving the kids at home) and it was awesome! Don’t get me wrong, we love travelling with our kids but every so often it is wonderful to just be on our own. A huge debt of gratitude goes out to my sister for staying with our boys – for the second time. We certainly feel very blessed to know that our boys were in good hands while we were away.

The planning for this trip centred on our wedding anniversary. We started looking last summer just to get a feel of the places and pricing options. We stumbled upon a “last minute” cruise deal for May 2016 in August 2015. So we checked with our travel agent friend to say “is this for real?” and when she said “100% yes”, we said “here is our credit card.” Continue reading

Helllllooo Spring!

Needless to say I feel that spring is finally here – although there have been a few setbacks (e.g. impromptu snowfall) that left me scratching my head and a little testy. Case in point, the pictures below which some of you (those who live in northern climes) might identify with. Can you guess what I photographed? It is the airport! Can you believe these pictures are just over 2 weeks apart?! This is why I am happy it is April 1st and March is in the past! Continue reading