Fall Happenings 2017

Contrary to my post about summer 2017 being a wet one, fall in the area was quite lovely. It was a pleasure to continue with activities such as bike riding, golf, walking etc. late into the season.

There were a few late summer events that I neglected to mention in my previous post that I feel should be mentionned here because they were truly some of the highlights on the summer.

Events to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday occured in every province and territory throughout the year. The city of Ottawa (and neighbouring Gatineau, Quebec) hosted an abundance of activities because they are, simply, the National Capital Region. Many events were free, some were offered for a nominal cost or donation, while others were paid events.

Two events I thoroughly enjoyed were: La Machine and MosaïCanada.

La Machine – This is a fantastic visual combination of artistry and theatre! The creators use technology, creative movement, storytelling just to name a few…and the outcome is spectacular. The amount of people and talent required to bring this art from concept to reality is amazing and probably far more complex than my brain can imagine. Watching how it all came together was a true wonder. Be sure to see it if La Machine comes to your city.



MosaïCanada – This was not your average botantical garden. The “art” exhibited through this program was exceptional. It was a beautiful representation of Canada’s provinces, territories, peoples, culture and place in the world in vibrant colours. It was truly a “living exhibit” that warranted multiple visits to see the seasonal, natural change for each piece.

Last fall, I crossed my last Canadian province off my list (only the territories remain)! I briefly visited a very chilly Winnipeg, Manitoba for work. While in the city, I enjoyed a tour of Canada’s newest museum: Canadian Museum for Human Rights. It is a somber yet hopeful place. There are many stories of sadness highlighted in the museum’s exhibit spaces but there is an effort to find a balance with stories of positive change in Canada and throughout the world. The best way to describe how I felt when I left the building is thoughtful. Not certain if it was thoughtful good or thoughtful bad…just thoughtful.

Museum for Human Rights

And I stood at the intersection of Portage and Main . This corner is well known as the true centre of the country. It is a pretty wildly busy place and smartly, the city of Winnipeg does not permit pedestrian crossing of the intersection aboveground. If you want to cross the road, you must do it underground. But the city also erected these handy signs to allow visitors to get the shot that says “I stood at the centre of Canada!” without having to dodge oncoming traffic. I, for one, very much appreciated the city’s forethought.

Source: MetroNews

So that is how 2017 ended. The shape of travel affairs for 2018 is starting to gel and will consist primarily of a lot of mini-trips (4-5 day jaunts). Needless to say I am looking forward to them already!

Summer – In Summary

Summer – it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…actually that last part isn’t true. It would be more accurate to say it was the wetest of times. That’s right. Summer 2017 will go down as being…well…soggy. Spring rains blended seamlessly into summer rains and I can’t begin to tell you how many outings were postponed or soccer games cancelled. And some days, the best approach was to say “to heck with it, we are going out anyway!”. Continue reading

Helllllooo Spring!

Needless to say I feel that spring is finally here – although there have been a few setbacks (e.g. impromptu snowfall) that left me scratching my head and a little testy. Case in point, the pictures below which some of you (those who live in northern climes) might identify with. Can you guess what I photographed? It is the airport! Can you believe these pictures are just over 2 weeks apart?! This is why I am happy it is April 1st and March is in the past! Continue reading